#EUTEENS4GREEN Awarded Beneficiaries
Changes at "Scouting for green future"
- +{"en"=>"Scouting for green future"}
- 💡 Description
- is make young people to be the driving force behind the transition to renewable energies within the scout groups, looking for a young person in each group to be the driver and supporter of the project.\n\"The Federation of Catholic Scouts of Andalusia Youth Section wishes to contribute at year 2023 and give a boost to the use of green energy in our association, all of this working from two main areas:\n•\tFrom awareness, becoming aware of the use of energy in our lives and the impact on health, ecosystems and global climate.\n•\tAnd from action, promoting actions of change in immediate environment, through the implementation of renewable energy sources in the life of the scout groups.\nThis project focus is make young people to be the driving force behind the transition to renewable energies within the scout groups, looking for a young person in each group to be the driver and supporter of the project, creating young driving forces networks in different provinces of our association and channelling through them all the training initiatives, awareness raising and transformational actions.\nThe Scouts work to achieve a world where:\n- The impacts on the environment, the negative changes in the environmental conditions that sustain life and the affection of other living beings, are reduced.\n- We work to mitigate climate change causes, adapt to its effects and use current challenges as opportunities for development, known as resilience.\n- Less reliance on fossil fuels and a shift to clean and renewable energies.\nWe could delimit this educational and transformative action, within the scope of the SDGs, directly related to the following goals:\n 7 affordable and clean energy\n11 sustainable cities and communities\n13 climate action\n
- 🎯 Target Group
- 🌱 Expected Results
- \"Expected impact after the implementation of this project is training people about individual needs should not be opposed to collective needs.\nThe participants will be able to consciously evaluate their energy use, as person, in family and in different groups where they develop their personal activity, with knowledge of viable alternatives for change and with tools to share these decisions and/or alternatives in the groups where they are active citizens, family, educational centre, associations, neighbourhood... on this way this project is expected to have a multiplying effect. \n
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