Local Assembly
5 debates
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Open debate
Created at
05/05/2023 -
Hello my dear assigned projects and projects teams - Pure Air for Green Future, Ecotopia Caring Community and Youth in Transition! I hope you are all...
Open debate
Created at
05/05/2023 -
As promised, following our first monthly joint meeting of Local Facilitators and the Consortium yesterday 26th of June, I would like hereby to give you answers of...
Open debate
Created at
27/06/2023 -
I just want to add some additional recommendations and instructions from the Consortium that were mentioned during this same meeting with the local facilitators....
Open debate
Created at
30/06/2023 -
Dear Silvia, Maria and Petya,I will provide you hereinafter with a summary from the Local...
Open debate
Created at
27/07/2023 -